Technical number: 01753 944200

Sales number: 01753 944210

Technical Hotline 01753 944200
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Common Mistakes in Waterproofing

With waterproofing you can't afford to take chances. By watching our short videos and following our top line practical tips, you can ensure your waterproofing strategy is both appropriate and sufficiently robust for your specific project - providing successful installation, optimised performance but most importantly longevity.


Have you ever used a material that was perfect for the last project you worked on, but doesn't work so well this time around?
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Have you ever designed a beautiful building and then realised it's impossible to waterproof?
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Have you ever seen what happens when drainage isn't designed at the same time as the waterproofing?
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Have you ever worked really hard to make sure all the different parts of a design are perfect?
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Have you ever worked on a project where the design team and build team just don't communicate?
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Have you ever been under a plant room that's not completely protected?
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